Monday, January 18, 2010

Electronic Battleship Game What Was Your Favorite Childhood Store Bought Game? No Electronic Games Please.?

What was your favorite childhood store bought game? No electronic games please.? - electronic battleship game

Of course, I enjoyed a monopoly position, but I like the chips and Uno and Old Maid. OH, and the battleship


Guitarpi... said...

Carambola. It's a game, red, green, black and white rings from wood or plastic used and the strike by about four rings sacks.

The Board may also make room for chess and backgammon.

In the back of the board is a different kind of accident.

Guitarpi... said...

Carambola. It's a game, red, green, black and white rings from wood or plastic used and the strike by about four rings sacks.

The Board may also make room for chess and backgammon.

In the back of the board is a different kind of accident.

Mike J said...

Thank you for the spirit, guys. I had forgotten these games and played most of them. The only place for me is to Scrabble, and I bet I could have one of you. Maybe.
When I was young, most of the time we were outside playing. Someone else playing night games in the neighborhood?

Open Heart Searchery said...

Axis & Allies. (Oh, I must also confess that I was a junkie Dungeons & Dragons too ...)

bran7207... said...

I love Scrabble, cribbage, we have a lot of plays when I was young, we still love him. My family also had a game that was a bit like life, but a little more for adults than children UPS. Taking small plastic hearts throughout the game. I loved him because my heart. I also liked Upwords and ad-lib (like Scrabble). The competition, which was always great difficulty, as we will strike my people

Tuggamam... said...

Kerplunk and I remember when I was very young HIHO Cherrie

Sweety said...

Connect 4

chicpowe... said...

Battleship, Kerplunk, Life, Monopoly, Twister! SkipBo, Sorry, Uno, Yahtzee. My little brother and I played every game in almost every weekend. My husband and I still play Monopoly and Uno lives together.

chicpowe... said...

Battleship, Kerplunk, Life, Monopoly, Twister! SkipBo, Sorry, Uno, Yahtzee. My little brother and I played every game in almost every weekend. My husband and I still play Monopoly and Uno lives together.

freddy krueger said...

Rock-um Sock-um robot was fun.

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