Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lecithin Benefits And Side Effects Herbal Vitamin Combos?

Herbal Vitamin Combos? - lecithin benefits and side effects

I have my own research on weight loss suppliments (All Natural) and noted the following:

Tonalin CLA
Protein Tablets
Pure B-12
Hoodia Gordonii
Green Tea
Cayenne pepper
Apple cider vinegar
Omega-3 fish oil
KLB6 (kelp, lecithin, B-6 and cider vinegar)

I look forward suppliments AMAZING benefits of this combo. Decrease in the knee and back problems, gives me energy (especially during my intense training), suppresses appetite, and I can see, weight loss, even if they do not work like last week.

But I wonder if I too feel no side effects, the combination of these things safely over the long term? Does anybody know where I can find information on all natural herbal blend found? (None of these things is the chemical, it is plants,the human body, etc. ..)


onlymatc... said...

They say they are all natural products, but I doubt it. Look at the jars and see if they contain ingredients such as magnesium stearate, silica, tablet, etc. If you do not 100% natural and can damage DNA. Yes, you will see some results in the short term but long term, which can damage your body. Hoodia is very likely that you have no desire to eat less and will lose weight, but to stabilize and struggling to lose beyond this point too.

Apple cider vinegar is the pH of the stomach, lower, but Betaine HCL is a lot better and should be combined with HCl with an activator of potassium. This re-methylate in their cells and extend the life considerably. Betaine hydrochloride should come and live once, source and not a laboratory, like most of them.

The B-12 is purely from what source? They are much better get your B-12 CLA and meat. No commercial vaccine is usually in the business, it is not good for you. Buy meat from cows fed on grass is not "ready" before the slaughter, but pure grazers.

The most important thing about mixing herbs of all kinds is that they are the stress-response-cell and evidence against a test QRA, even if the bleeding.

Good luck

oldtimek... said...

And the answer to your question in reality are quite sure they meet together and work together in a couple of really synergistic. CLA helps to burn fat, Hoodia can suppress appetite, KLB6 and green tea helps to clean ... Nice Call us!

My only recommendation is that you might prefer to take a protein powder instead of pads ... You should not use this extra pills, you get more protein per serving, and it is easier to absorb for your system. Of course, taste is sometimes difficult to taste (depending on how you mix the flavors and him), so you do not.
Good luck and congratulations on the weight loss!

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